[originaltext]W: I was wondering if you’d let me stay with you for a few days.

游客2024-05-12  9

W: I was wondering if you’d let me stay with you for a few days. I’d go to work during the day and come back at night to sleep. Is that OK?
M: Sorry. It’s out of the question.
Q: What does the man think of the woman’s request?
W: You promised you’d take me to dinner. You big fat liar.
M: I know this is hard to hear, but maybe today is not about you. I have 24 hours to create something from scratch and make it presentable in front of the school committee. So give me a break.
Q: Why didn’t the man keep his promise?

选项 A、He has something more important to do.
B、He was at the school committee then.
C、He wants to break up with the girl.
D、He has little time to prepare for dinner.

答案 A

解析 女士责备男士说,他答应和她共进晚餐,但没有守约,是个大骗子。男士说,虽然这话很难听,但或许今天他顾不上女士了,他只有24小时从零开始做出某个东西,然后呈献给学校的委员会看。因此,男士没有守约的原因是A)“他有更重要的事情去做”。