[originaltext]W: I really like those abstract paintings we saw in our art histo

游客2024-05-12  5

W: I really like those abstract paintings we saw in our art history class today. What do you think?
M: I guess it’s something I haven’t acquired a taste for yet.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He doesn’t like the paintings.
B、He hasn’t seen the paintings yet.
C、He doesn’t enjoy his art history course.
D、He would like to own one of the paintings.

答案 A

解析 男士的话I haven’t acquired a taste(我不喜欢)为听音重点,A)中的doesn’t like是对haven’t acquired a taste的同义转述,故答案为A)。acquire a taste for sth.意为“爱好某物”。