Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter of a

游客2024-05-12  5

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter of application. You should write at least 150 words, and base your letter on the situation given in Chinese:
   假如你是 David Yang/Mary Yang,是U大学即将毕业的本科生,向某公司写一信求职信。先描述自己的一些基本情况,包括学生、专业、在校学习成绩、英语水平、个人爱好、是否有相关的工作经历。然后描述你对将来工作的预期,包括工作职务和工资水平等细节。


答案                                                                                    June 1, 2005
Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am a graduate from U university. I am writing to you to seek a position in your company. I am going to obtain a bachelor’s degree in international trade. And I am proficient at English and I have already obtained the certificates of CET 4 and CET 6. My academic achievement ranks A level, which enables me to get this years scholarship. I have been every active in participating and organizing various activities by the student union. As for my personality, I am rather optimistic and open, which explains why I am popular with all my classmates. Moreover, I have the experience of taking a part-time job in a foreign trade company during the last two years.
    I wish to acquire a job in the field of foreign trade in your company. I expect to receive a salary of 3,000 to 3, 500 Yuan, excluding the social security. Of course, it is desirable if I can have a temporary house provided by your company.
I hope I will be granted the opportunity to have an interview. I am sure you will be satisfied with my performance in the interview.  
                                                                               Sincerely yours,
                                                                               David  Yang
