[originaltext]W: Haven’t you heard that Prof. Smith will act as the new dean of

游客2024-05-11  4

W: Haven’t you heard that Prof. Smith will act as the new dean of our apartment?
M: Prof. Smith? He is the last person in the world I’d ever want to see.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: The weather isn’t exactly what I would call comfortable for playing football. It’s quite chilly.
W: Isn’t it, though? I wish I had brought my heavy sweater along.
Q: What does the woman think about the weather?

选项 A、She doesn’t think it’s cold enough.
B、She believes it’s a good day to play football.
C、She brought her sweater along in case it’s getting cold.
D、She agrees that it wasn’t supposed to be so cold.

答案 D

解析 女士同意男士的观点,并后悔没有带自己的厚毛衣,说明女士没有想到天气会这么冷,故选D项。