According to the author, the brand you use apparently reveals your social status

游客2024-05-11  3

问题 According to the author, the brand you use apparently reveals your social status and personalities. [br] Using what you know in other fields offers you the chance not only to test the knowledge but also to develop ______.


答案 new knowledge and skills

解析 由题干中test the knowledge可定位到第七个小标题下末句Find a new way to challenge yourself and put your knowledge to the test—while developing new knowledge and skills.此处要求填入名词性短语作develop的宾语。本题考查在某一领域内的知识在其他领域的应用情况,原句破折号后部分是对原有知识运用的进一步阐释,可知developing new knowledge and skills是原有知识发展的结果,故可得答案new knowledge and skills。