In our society, work is identified with a job; it is done for an employer an

游客2024-05-11  6

问题     In our society, work is identified with a job; it is done for an employer and for money; unpaid activities do not count as work. For example, the work【C1】______by women and men in households is not【C2】______any economic value; yet this work equals, in monetary terms, two-thirds of the total【C3】______of wages and salaries paid by all the【C4】______in the United States. On the other hand,work in paid jobs is no longer【C5】______for many who want it. Being unemployed carries an ill【C6】______; people lose status and respect in their own and other’s eyes【C7】______they are unable to get work.
    At the same time those who do have jobs very often have to【C8】______work in which they cannot take any pride, work that leaves them【C9】______alienated and dissatisfied. Workers have no【C10】______about the use to which their work is【C11】______, and cannot identify in any meaningful way【C12】______the production process. The modem industrial worker no longer feels responsible for his work【C13】______takes pride in it. The result is products that show less and less craft,【C14】______quality or taate. Thus work has become【C15】______degraded; from the worker’s point of view, its only purpose is to earn a【C16】______. This state of affairs is in sharp【C17】______to traditional societies in which ordinary women and men were engaged in a【C18】______variety of activities, all of them useful, skilled and【C19】______work. In our society most people are not satisfied with their work and hold an opinion that recreation is the main focus of their lives.【C20】______work has become opposed to leisure, and the latter is served by a huge industry featuring resource and energy-intensive gadgets—computer games,speedboats and snowmobiles and exhorting(劝告) people to ever more wasteful consumption. [br] 【C3】

选项 A、quantity

答案 D

解析 名词辨义。本句意为“然而,这种工作,用钱来衡量的话,相当于美国所有公司每年支付的工资的三分之二”,因此选D)amount“数量”,该词既可以用于修饰可数名词,也可以用于修饰不可数名词。根据后面提到的of wages可知这里指“工资总计”,即the total amount of wages,故符合题意。A)quantity“数量”,用来修饰不可数名词;B)figure“数字”、C)data“数据”均不符合题意。