What is the main idea of this passage? [br] The experiments of two groups of rat

游客2024-05-11  6

问题 What is the main idea of this passage? [br] The experiments of two groups of rats indicate that ______.

选项 A、temperature affects rats’ memory
B、the relationship between temperature and memory is very clear
C、there is distinction between short-term memory and long-term memory
D、rats can relearn the task after forgetting it

答案 C

解析 本题测试的是归纳总结的能力。从文章第三和第四段可以很容易地推断出结论,而且文章最后一段开始也提到了实验的结论是短期记忆不像长期记忆(In was concluded from this experiment that short-term memory(in rats,at least)is unlike long-term memory.)。由此可见C应该是本题的正确答案。