It can be inferred that Michael Tenet’s attitude toward globalization is probabl

游客2024-05-11  5

问题 It can be inferred that Michael Tenet’s attitude toward globalization is probably ______. [br] This passage implies that ______.

选项 A、globalization is good for a country’s economic development
B、globalization is widely accepted and advocated by people
C、globalization is too influential on a country’s economy to be accepted
D、globalization is not always of great benefit to a country’s economic development

答案 D

解析 推断题。文章首段末句,“全球化带来的总是正面的影响吗?有些人给出否定的答案。”,此外,文章的第2、3、4段分别引述别人的话,阐述了全球化对经济、文化和政治的负面影响,从而证明全球化并不一定总是朝着有利于人类发展的,所以答案是D。文章主要说明全球化的一些负面影响,未提及它已经被人们广泛接受并提倡,所以排除B。