If you want to set up a company,______(就必须遵守官方制定的法规). you must comply with the l

游客2024-05-09  4

问题 If you want to set up a company,______(就必须遵守官方制定的法规).


答案 you must comply with the laws and regulations laid down by the authorities

解析 翻译“遵守”可用“comply with”,又如:Each student must comply with the displine.每个学生必须遵守纪律。当然,用obey也行。翻译“制定”可用lay down,又如:The state government has laid down a series of policies.州政府制定了一系列的政策。这里,用lay down的过去分词做后置定语修饰laws and regulations。