Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writings are noteworthy for their perceptive explorati

游客2024-05-08  2

问题     Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writings are noteworthy for their perceptive exploration of the hidden motivations behind the Puritan American heritage. Like many authors of his time, he faced great difficulties making a living as his writings were not financially lucrative. In part, his financial status within the community significantly contributed towards the underlying message in his works. The powerful influence of the religious community in economic affairs of the day ordained (决定) that most respected and highly compensated callings (职业) were those that demonstrated strict physical descipline. As fiction writing did not fit within those guidelines, the young author found himself torn between the contrary needs of his family and those of his artistic aspirations. The resulting tensions are played out in the themes of his stories.
    In the sense that his writings described the subtle motivations behind human behavior as guilt and anxiety resulting from the sins perpetrated (犯罪) against humanity, he adhered to the same moes as his Puritan predecessor. He differed from them in that he saw the potential consequences of all decisions resulting in either the chance possibility of regeneration or some form of humiliating punishment. This element of ambiguity in his works ran directly counter to the thoughts of his fundamentalish (原较旨主义者) contemporaries who believed that all actions, and their consquences, were predetermined.
    As he chose an allegorical style, his short stories were often situated in fantastic settings with unlikely characters. It was not unusual for Satan to appear in his narratives disguised in a human form but possessing some defining characteristic such as cloven hooves and a tail. What marks these tales as unique to the author’s positions their suddestion that there may be contradictory meanings behind the actions of figures which initially appear to be east in transparent roles.
    His classic novel, the Scarlet Letter (1850), concerned of the crime, but Puritan community. The heroine, Hester Prynne, stands accused of the crime, but refuses to reveal the identity of her partner. The moral ambivalence (矛盾心理,既爱又恨) inherent in the plot of the work is representative of the themes found throughout Hawthorne’s writing. [br] According to the passage, in what way were Hawthorne’s beliefs similar to the Puritans?

选项 A、They allowed for moral ambiguities.
B、They saw all actions as predetermined.
C、They attributed guilt to regeneration.
D、They saw motivations arising from guilt.

答案 D

解析 原文第二段第一句可以说明。下一句说明他在“regeneration”这一问题上跟清教徒们有分歧,最后一句说他的作品中的“mabiguity”正好与他的同时代人背道而驰,因为后者相信一切都是命中注定的“(predetermined)”。