[originaltext]M: Are you busy Friday night? If not, would you like to go to the

游客2024-05-08  4

M: Are you busy Friday night? If not, would you like to go to the concert?
W: I have a few commitments. But I think I can postpone them for another time, if you’d really like me to,
Q: What will the woman probably do?

选项 A、Go to the concert.
B、 Go to work.
C、See her friends as planned.
D、Finish her homework.

答案 A

解析 4个选项都是省略to的动词不定式短语,可以判断,本题是计划行为题或建议题。对话中男士邀请那天去听音乐会,女土有回答中包含有一个转折句,说明前后意思相反。答案正是在转折句中:"But l think l can postpone them for another time,if you really like me to.", 女士要去听音乐会,因此正确答案是A 。