[originaltext]M: Good morning.W: Good morning. Please come in and have a seat.

游客2024-05-08  4

M: Good morning.
W: Good morning. Please come in and have a seat.
M: Thank you.
W: I have been looking through your application. You seem to have many of the. qualifications needed for this position. That’s one of the reasons why you’ve been short-listed.
M: Thank you. As a matter of fact, I have been in computer programming for three years.
W: Yes, I see. Were you satisfied with your last position?
M: Generally, yes. But to be honest, not entirely. I was with a small, family-owned company, and chances for advancement were very limited.
W: The letter of reference from the president praises your work highly.
M: Mr. Brown gave me a lot of responsibility and I learned a great deal about company operations.
W: Well, we ask for loyalty and hard work from our employees. But we pay well, and opportunities for promotion depend on merit, not just age or seniority.
M: I am very interested in working for your firm.
W: I see. Well, have you got any questions?
M: Yes, well, I wonder if you could tell me what the salary would be.
W: Of course. We’d be offering a starting salary of $ 600 a week, that’s for 40 hours.
M: Do you mean that it might be increased at a later time?
W: Yes, we usually give our staff a month’s trial and then, if everything is satisfactory, we raise the salary by 20 percent. Any more questions?
M: No. I think that’s all.
W: Well, thank you very much for coming in. I have a few more short-listed candidates to interview today for this position. But at the moment, your chances look very good. We will be in touch with you soon.
M: Thank you very much for your time.

选项 A、The woman was not Satisfied with the man.
B、The woman would choose other candidates for the position.
C、The man was very likely to be employed.
D、The man was disappointed with the company.

答案 C

解析 推断题。原文中女士提到“But at the moment,your chances look very good.”说明根据已面试的结果,男士得到这个职位的可能性很大。