[originaltext]W: This apartment consists of two bedrooms, a living room with a

游客2024-05-08  1

W: This apartment consists of two bedrooms, a living room with a satellite TV, a completely equipped kitchen and a great bathroom. And the charge is quite reasonable, you know.
M: Yes, that’s right. But if it’s located on the other side of town, we’ll definitely buy it.
Q: What does the man think of the apartment?
W: I’m sorry, Mike. I have to put off our meeting till four o’clock this afternoon. Mr. Anderson wants me to revise the annual report right now.
M: Take your time. My schedule is flexible.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He doesn’t mind having meeting ahead of schedule.
B、He doesn’t mind postponing the meeting.
C、The meeting goes against with his schedule.
D、The meeting is not on his schedule.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士说她不得不把与男士的会面推迟到当天下午四点,因为Mr. Anderson希望她立刻修改年度报告;男士回答道“不用着急,我的日程安排可变通”,也就是说他同意推迟会面的时间,故B 为本题答案。