Scientists have come up with a theory for why time flies when yon are having

游客2024-05-07  4

问题     Scientists have come up with a theory for why time flies when yon are having fun and drags when you are bored.
    Scans have shown that【C1】______of activity in the brain change depending on how we focus on a task. Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will【C2】______brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more【C3】______. The research, by the French Laboratory of Neurobiology and Cognition, is【C4】______in the magazine Science.
    In the study, 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers【C5】______their brain activity using MRI (核磁共振成像) scans. Volunteers were given a variety of tasks. In one they were told to concentrate simply on the duration of an image, in【C6】______they were asked to focus on the color, and in a third they were asked to concentrate on both【C7】______and color. The results showed that a network of brain regions was【C8】______when more subjects were paid attention to duration.
    It is thought that if the brain is busy focusing on many【C9】______of a task, then it has to spread its resources thinly, and pays less heed (注意) to time passing. Therefore, time passes without us really【C10】______it, and seems to go quickly.【C11】______. if the brain is not stimulated in this way, it concentrates its【C12】______energies on monitoring the passing of time. This may make time seem to【C13】______. but in fact it is probably a more accurate perception of reality.【C14】______, the researchers found that the more volunteers concentrated on the duration of the images, the more【C15】______were their estimates of its duration.
    Lead researcher Dr. Jennifer Coull said many of the areas of the brain【C16】______in estimating time were the same that played a key role in controlling movement, and preparing for action. She said this【C17】______suggests that the brain may make【C18】______of time as intervals between movements, in much the same way【C19】______musicians mark time with his foot, or athletes【C20】______the sound of a starter’s pistol. [br] 【C1】

选项 A、norms

答案 C

解析 语义衔接题。我们对于某一任务的注意力集中程度不同时,应该是产生了不同的大脑活动“模式”,选[C]patterns“方式,模式”。[A]norms“规范,准则,行为模式”指人们需要遵守的一些行为准则;[B]modes.指设备的工作模式,情感或行为的状况,衣着的风格,做事的风格;[D]styles指“风格;文体;种类”。