[audioFiles]audio_eusm_j01_120(20099)[/audioFiles]A、Reconsider his position lat

游客2024-05-07  4


选项 A、Reconsider his position later.
B、Allow the student to miss class.
C、Lower the student’s grade.
D、Suggest that the student try to reschedule the operation.

答案 B

解析 W: Professor, I know your course has a no-absence policy. But I have to have foot surgery next Friday and can’t be here.
M: Medical excuses are one of the few exceptions I make.
Q: What will the professor probably do?
综合推断题。女士提到男士的课不允许缺席,但由于下周五要做脚部手术,所以不得不缺课。而男士说病假是他批准的少数例外之一,由此可知,男士同意女士缺课,所以B正确。exception意为“例外”,常见短语有:with the exception of除……之外;也可指“反对,异议”,常见短语有:take exception to sth.反对某事,因某事而生气,如:He took great exception to having to wait outside in the rain.他为自己不得不在雨中等候感到非常气愤。