[originaltext]W: (19) What do you think of these summer-vacation internship pro

游客2024-05-06  8

W: (19) What do you think of these summer-vacation internship programs?
M: We usually consider it a good thing for schools to organize part-time work for students during summer vacation. On the one hand, students are equipped with valuable work experience. On the other hand, through these programs, employers can save costs, and schools can gain a reputation for being able to guarantee internship opportunities for student.
W: What is the role schools play in these programs?
M: (20)They help students bargain with the company and win them benefits, like free meals and dorms. Some even hire buses to send students directly to the company so that they have a strong sense of security. But sometimes even schools are not able to control how much their students are paid and worked, and how secure they feel at the company facilities. For example, to meet order deadlines, many companies require staff to work overtime.
W: We know that schools have to sign agreements with companies. But do students need to sign anything with their school or the company?
M: Usually students are required to sign an agreement with the school, promising they will be on good behavior during the internship.
W: So if things like working overtime happen, can students report to the school and ask for any change?
M: Well, (21)student internship programs usually last less than two months, as a result, employers don’t want to invest money in training students or providing insurance. Many schools accept such strict terms because they don’t want to lose the opportunity to place hundreds of students in internships. (22) It’s not surprising that the contract between the school and the employer is usually ambiguous.
19. What are the two speakers talking about?
20. What role are the schools playing in these programs?
21. What are companies concerned about?
22. What does the man imply about students’ rights?

选项 A、Students are unwilling to work overtime and report to schools.
B、Schools refuse to sign contracts with them because of the strict rules.
C、Schools don’t get a permit to organize part-time work for students.
D、Training and insurance is a huge investment due to limited work time.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。本题考查的是公司有何忧虑。对话的最后一个回合中,男士介绍说,学生实习项目通常不会超过两个月,因此公司不愿意花钱培训他们或者为他们提供保险。