[originaltext]M: I’m exhausted! I can’t see straight anymore.W: Call it a day

游客2024-05-06  4

M: I’m exhausted! I can’t see straight anymore.
W: Call it a day and get some rest. I’ll finish printing the report myself.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
W: Isn’t it unbelievable about Mary’s mathematic scholarship?
M: It’s incredible Who’d have thought she’d have a chance in a nationwide competition!
Q: What does the man say about Mary?

选项 A、There is a chance she will turn down the scholarship.
B、He is surprised that she won the scholarship.
C、It’s not true that she received a scholarship.
D、She was certain to win the scholarship.

答案 B

解析 这里有两个惊叹词unbelievable 和in- credible,双方对Mary 得到奖学金都表示“难以置信”,所以用了虚拟语气who’d have thought she’d have a chance。