[originaltext]M: It doesn’t make any sense to go home for spring vacation now.

游客2024-05-05  3

M: It doesn’t make any sense to go home for spring vacation now.
W: That’s right. Especially since you’ll be graduating in May.
Q: On what did the two speakers agree?
M: Did you buy a birthday present for your brother?
W: Not yet, but I’ve been thinking about getting him a record, lie likes classical music.
Q: Which record would the woman’s brother like best?

选项 A、The Best of Jazz.
B、Christmas Carols.
C、Classical Music.
D、Rock Music Collection.

答案 C

解析 The woman’s brother喜欢古典音乐,自然选C。A项爵士音乐精选,B项圣诞节颂歌,D项摇滚乐精选,三项都不符题意。