[originaltext]M: Good morning. My name is Fox. I believe you have a room reserv

游客2024-05-05  5

M: Good morning. My name is Fox. I believe you have a room reserved for me.
W: Just a moment, Mr. Fox. Let me see... Fox... Yes, Mr. Fox. Room 204. Would you just fill in this form, please?
Q: Where are the two speakers?
M: Of the two houses we have seen, which one do you think fits our needs better, the first one or the second one?
W: The second one. It seems very expensive, but in the long run it will save us money on maintenance.
Q: What does the woman say about the reason for her choice?

选项 A、The first house they saw is too expensive.
B、They may save some money for the time being.
C、She is happy with price set by the seller.
D、Less money will be spent in maintaining the house.

答案 D
