[originaltext]M: I can’t find the kind of jogging shoes I want anywhere in the

游客2024-05-05  3

M: I can’t find the kind of jogging shoes I want anywhere in the town.
W: Why not buy them online? It’s easier than running around the town looking for them.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man doing?
M: Yes, Mrs. Clinton. What can I do for you? Is it the air conditioner again?
W: No, it is the refrigerator this time. I think something is wrong with the LED display.
Q: Why does the woman call the man?

选项 A、She wants to buy a new refrigerator.
B、She wants a new refrigerator to be sent as soon as possible.
C、She doesn’t have a refrigerator with LED display.
D、She wants the refrigerator to be fixed.

答案 D

解析 四个备选项说的都是她想如何处理电冰箱。因此听音时应关注她对电冰箱有何种要求。对话中的男士说:Clinton太太您好,我有什么能帮您的吗?这次又是空调出问题了吗?女士回答:不,这次是电冰箱。我觉得它的液晶显示屏好像出毛病了。根据对话内容可大致推断出这是维修人员与顾客的通话内容,因此可排除A、B、C,故选D。