[originaltext]M: I’ve just been over to my friend Tom’s new apartment. It’s muc

游客2024-05-04  5

M: I’ve just been over to my friend Tom’s new apartment. It’s much bigger than my place.
W: But more expensive I bet.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
W: I’m going to the zoo to make some sketches of the monkeys this Saturday. Would you like to go with me?
M: I’d love to, but you know I have a paper on economics to write.
Q: What will the man probably do this Saturday?

选项 A、He will make some sketches in the zoo.
B、He will go to the zoo with the woman.
C、He will write a paper.
D、He will go to the zoo with some other people.

答案 C

解析 四个备选项都是关于“他”准备干什么。因此要着重听该男士的计划。女士邀请男士周六和她一同去动物园。男士回答:我很乐意,但是你知道的,我要写一篇关于经济的论文。四个选项里只有C与男士的陈述一致,因此选C。需要强调的是,在有“but”出现的表述里,“but”后面的内容是意思的核心,通常也是考点,因此听音时要予以重点关注。