In the 24 years since the birth of Louise Brown, the world’s first test-tube
In the 24 years since the birth of Louise Brown, the world’s first test-tube
In the 24 years since the birth of Louise Brown, the world’s first test-tube baby, thousands of would-be parents have been assured that as far as scientists knew there was no extra risk of genetic damage associated with in-vitro fertilization (试管内受精). With those assurances, test-tube births have soared from a few hundred a year in the early 1980s to tens of thousands today.
But according to a pair of reports in last week’s New England Journal of Medicine, that conventional wisdom may be wrong. In the first study, doctors in Britain and Australia found that infants conceived with both straightforward test-tube methods and a more invasive technique in which sperm is injected directly into the egg, have an 8.6% risk of major birth defects—including heart and kidney abnormalities—compared with the 4.2% rate in babies made the old-fashioned way. The second study, conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reported that babies conceived through what doctors call assisted reproductive technologies (ART)have 2.6 times the risk of low or very low birth weight—a significant risk factor for heart disease and cognitive problems.
There are plenty of reasons to take both studies seriously. In the low-birth-weight study, for example, the researchers allowed for the fact that parents who use assisted reproduction tend to be older than average and to have more multiple births—twins, triplets and so on. Even when they corrected for these factors, the disparity (差异)between babies conceived through ART and those conceived normally remained. But there’s no need to panic. Independent experts are quick to point out that the reports are hardly definitive. Couples who seek reproductive help are not just older; they are also infertile. "You’re comparing two different groups of patients here," says Dr. William Schoolcraft, director of the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine. "You have women with the disease of infertility, and you’re comparing them with women who don’t have the disease."
Some of the same caveats apply to the birth-defects study, say experts. Here, too, earlier research had found no significant differences between test-tube babies and conventionally conceived kids. And here, again, the new study didn’t correct for the fact that women who get reproductive assistance often have something wrong with their reproductive system in the first place. Even if these new studies are borne out by later research—already under way in infertility programs in Australia and the US—the risks to kids conceived by ART remain reassuringly small. And even if the danger is twice what doctors previously believed, 91% of ART babies would still be born perfectly healthy. [br] The number of test-tube births has surged greatly for 24 years because______.
A、test-tube technique offers more multiple births: twins and triplets and even more
B、couples prefer in-vitro fertilization to conventional conceiving
C、scientists have assured that no risk of genetic damage is involved
D、the technique has matured and perfected to a large extent
A.一级防护 B.五级防护 C.四级防护 D.三级防护 E.二级防护发热
善温中散寒的药物是A.附子 B.肉桂 C.干姜 D.细辛 E.吴茱萸
可用于特发性高尿钙症及钙结石的利尿剂是A.呋塞米 B.氢氯噻嗪 C.螺内酯
肾病综合征患者易自发形成血栓的主要原因是A.血管内皮易受损伤 B.组织因子易释
气管内吸痰时,每次插管吸痰时间不宜超过A:10秒 B:15秒 C:30秒