No one word demonstrated the shift in corporations’ attention in the mid-199

游客2024-05-02  6

问题     No one word demonstrated the shift in corporations’ attention in the mid-1990s from processes to people more vividly than the single word "talent".【C1】______the word lies the idea that more and more corporate【C2】______is going to be created by knowledge and by so-called "knowledge workers".【C3】______labour is worth less; knowledge is worth more.
    This has significantly shifted the balance of power in the【C4】______process. Companies used to be【C5】______about finding enough qualified people to run their operations. What they could not find they would train, was the【C6】______attitude. That might take some time, but in a world where people sought jobs for life time was in the company’s【C7】______. But talent is not patient, and it is not faithful. Many companies found themselves training employees【C8】______for them to go on and sell their acquired skills to their【C9】______. So now they look for talent that is ready-made.
    In their eagerness to【C10】______this talent, companies have gone to considerable lengths to appear especially attractive. They have,【C11】______. devoted(奉献)a great deal of effort to the design of their websites, often the first【C12】______of call these days for bright young【C13】______recruits. They have in many cases【C14】______their HR departments, in part so that they can【C15】______their remuneration(报酬)packages more finely for the individuals that they really require. And they have altered their approach to issues such as governance and environmental responsibility【C16】______they know that many of the talented people they are seeking want to work for ethical and【C17】______employers.
    Talented people increasingly want to work in places where they can feel good about what they do for most of the day. What’s more, in today’s knowledge-based businesses, these young people are far more【C18】______of their working environment, of "what’s going on around here", than were their grandparents. It is harder for today’s ’ businesses to【C19】______from their employees what they are【C20】______to—even when, as in cases such as Enron and WorldCom, they put a lot of effort into it. [br] 【C3】

选项 A、Human

答案 D

解析 考查语义逻辑。此空需要填入一个修饰labour的名词或形容词,且与knowledge意思相对。manual labour指“手工劳动”,为答案。orthodox“正统的”:inferior“低级的”。