[originaltext]W: I like taking photographs but I haven’t got a video camera.M:

游客2024-05-02  2

W: I like taking photographs but I haven’t got a video camera.
M: I take a lot of photographs too, but I’m interested in the history of the cinema, so I really enjoy using a film camera.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
W: What sort of things do you do with your computer?
M: Well, personally, I use my computer as a word processor quite a lot, but I also use it for playing
around creating programs.
Q: What do we learn about the man?

选项 A、He seldom uses a computer.
B、He likes to play games on computer.
C、He likes to do programming.
D、He uses computer only at work.

答案 C

解析 男士说他会用电脑来玩程序创作,说明他喜欢设计程序,C正确。