中国的许多酒精饮料(alcoholic drinks)都是非常独特的,和其他国家的酒不同。外国游客第一次喝的时候可能有点小心翼翼。然而,一旦他们尝了一两

游客2024-05-02  18

问题     中国的许多酒精饮料(alcoholic drinks)都是非常独特的,和其他国家的酒不同。外国游客第一次喝的时候可能有点小心翼翼。然而,一旦他们尝了一两种样品,他们就准备好品尝各种可以喝的饮料了,而且他们会发现自己真的很喜欢!几个世纪以来,许多不同种类的酒精饮料已经被开发,而且酿造(brewing)方法以及蒸馏(distillation)变得更加复杂了。同时喝这些诱人的酒也成了习俗和文化的重要组成部分。人们高兴的时候喝酒,虽然我们都知道过于嗜酒有害身体,但是适度饮酒是有益的。


答案     Many Chinese alcoholic drinks are quite distinctive from those of other countries and foreign visitors coming across them for the first time may a little wary of them. However, once they have tasted a sample or two, they may well acquire a taste for the various drinks available and find they really enjoy them! Over the centuries many different kinds of alcoholic drinks have been developed and brewing methods as well as distillation has become more sophisticated. At the same time the way of consuming these desirable products has become a vital part of custom and culture. People drink it when they are joyous and for fun and although we are aware that an over indulgence can harm the constitution, nevertheless drinking in moderation is considered beneficial.
