The best time to view the Mona Lisa, according to a new book on the best tim

游客2024-05-01  2

问题     The best time to view the Mona Lisa, according to a new book on the best times to do things, is around nine o’clock on a Sunday morning: most tourists, it seems, don’t realise that the Louvre is open then, while plenty of those who do will still be【C1】______from the wine-fuelled excesses of Saturday night. The best night to eat at a restaurant is a Tuesday: no crowds, but better than a Monday, since many restaurants don’t get weekend deliveries, making Monday’s food less【C2】______.
    Such is the【C3】______but strangely compelling life-advice collected within the covers of Buy Ketchup In May And Fly At Noon, by Mark Di Vincenzo, a book that takes literally the cliche that timing is everything. But the【C4】______of his outlook are universal. If there’s a perfect time to ask for a pay rise or a date, or a perfect moment in life to buy a house, have children or switch jobs, then there’s hope for us all, if only we can time things right.
    Of course, there’s no such【C5】______art of timing that will make everything run smoothly. But one general principle that does【C6】______from Di Vincenzo’s book is this: it pays, in life, to learn when and how to deliberately【C7】______out of synchronise(同步)with the rest of the world. Sometimes, this is a simple question of【C8】______the crowds: obviously, that’s the reason for holidaying off season, and it’s why Di Vincenzo recommends calling customer-service lines the moment they open, when call volume is lowest. But there’s more to the matter than【C9】______avoiding peak times: with a little cunning(技巧), you can de-synchronise yourself from the crowd so as to make their【C10】______behaviour work to your advantage.
A)numerous I)recovering
B)avoiding J)emerge
C)worldly K)merely
D)implications L)herd
E)implied M)superior
F)secret N)conversely
G)fresh O)fall
H)engagements [br] 【C10】


答案 L

解析 空格位于their和behaviour之间,可判断此处需要一个形容词或名词。这句话的意思是,通过使用一些小技巧,你便可以避开人群,利用他们的……行为给自己带来方便。herd behaviour是一个固定表达。意为“从众行为”,故用herd。