[originaltext]M: I was surprised to hear that you’ll accept the job offer from

游客2024-05-01  3

M: I was surprised to hear that you’ll accept the job offer from the bank. Are you sure you’ 11 like working there?
W: Well. I just thought 1 would give it a try. If I don’t like it, I can quit any time.
Q: What do we know about the woman?
W: Hey Mark, have you been able to sell your old piano yet?
M: Oh, you were right, just posting notices on bulletin boards at a couple of supermarkets wasn’ t enough. I think 1 have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、He decides not to sell the piano.
B、He’s looking for a right piano.
C、He hasn’t sold his piano yet.
D、He hasn’t found a piano yet.

答案 C

解析 女士问男士他的钢琴是否已卖出,男士说仅仅在超市贴几张海报是不够的,他打算在当地报纸上做广告.由此推断男士还没有把钢琴卖掉,故选C)项。