[originaltext]M: Your husband is very helpful, isn’t he?W: Maybe he is willing

游客2024-04-30  2

M: Your husband is very helpful, isn’t he?
W: Maybe he is willing to help. But last night he told the children a horrible story and both of them were scared out of sleep,
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、Her husband is willing to tell stories to children.
B、Her husband is not as helpful as the man thinks.
C、Her children are easy to be scared.
D、Her children like listening to stories.

答案 B

解析 对话中,男士询问女士她的丈夫是否能帮上很多忙。女士说她的丈夫也许挺愿意帮忙的,但是昨天晚上他给孩子讲了个可怕的故事,两个孩子吓得都睡不着觉。由此可见,女士的丈夫并不像男士想的那样能帮上忙,故答案为B)。