There is little argument that Pablo Picasso(1881-1973)is the 20th century’s

游客2024-04-29  5

问题     There is little argument that Pablo Picasso(1881-1973)is the 20th century’s greatest and most influential artist. Picasso was a genius. His paintings, drawings, prints, and【C1】______reveal endless creativity and passion for life. His works【C2】______ from realistic to abstract: the Blue, Rose, and African periods, Analytical and Synthetic Cubism, Neo-Classicism, Surrealism. Picasso was not true to a【C3】______He was true to the power of personal expression.
    Picasso’s Guernica is enormous. It measures【C4】______11’ x 25’ feet and has an astonishing physical presence. Just as tragic news reports and photos appeared in newsprint, the mural(壁画)is limited to tones of black, white, and gray. The viewer is【C5】______by the drama; there is no escape from facing the horror.
    Picasso fills the wide rectangular(长方形的)canvas with【C6】______human and animal forms. The chaos and panic of the bomb scene is shown in flat, Cubist planes. Animals and humans are reduced to simple, angular shapes that increase the tension and frantic movement. Body parts are disjointed from violent destruction. And facial features are【C7】______in pain. Figures are shown from multiple【C8】______The viewer is aware of all aspects of their suffering. No matter their pose, the dead and living communicated their situation with a pair of eyes.
    Picasso said: "We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a(n) 【C9】______that makes us realize truth. " The attack on Guernica inspired the passion and genius of Pablo Picasso to reveal his truth about war: war is not about power and glory, war is about pain, suffering, and death. Although Guernica was created in 1937, the universal truth of the work transcends decades and borders. It is as powerful a(n) 【C10】______image in the 21st century, as in the 20th.
A)approximately F)perspectives K)prospects
B)sculptures G)abstract L)overweighed
C)style H)lie M)prescriptions
D)range I)distorted N)shape
E)overwhelmed J)symbolic O)appropriately [br] 【C9】


答案 H

解析 名词辨析题。根据上句中的not truth推断,此处应填入与truth相对的词,故H)lie“谎言”符合句意。毕加索的话意为“我们都知道,艺术并非真实。它是让我们认识真相的一个谎言。”