[originaltext] The educational TV show for kids Sesame Street will celebrate

游客2024-04-29  2

The educational TV show for kids Sesame Street will celebrate its 40th season with a guest appearance by First Lady Michelle Obama, who will talk up the benefits of gardening and healthy eating. Mrs. Obama talks to young children as she prepares to plant tomato, cucumber and lettuce(莴苣)seeds. "All these seeds need to grow are sun, soil and water," the first lady says. "If you eat these healthy foods, you’re going to grow up to be big and strong, like me. I know you’re going to like these vegetables, because in addition to being healthy, they really taste great!" says Mrs. Obama. The appearance is designed to promote Mrs. Obama’s healthy living style by encouraging Americans to improve their eating and exercise habits. And in recent weeks, Mrs. Obama has stressed the importance of good nutrition and working out in several magazine interviews. In Prevention, Mrs. Obama discusses her personal fitness routine, describing how she rises at 4:30 a. m. to exercise and how she tries very hard to get rid of the delicious pies from the White House kitchen. "When I was younger, I could eat whatever I wanted, as long as I exercised," said Mrs. Obama, who is 45, in the interview with Prevention. "So I’m sort of adjusting to the natural progression of the physical limitations that come with being in your 40s," she said. "I try to have no absolute nos," Mrs. Obama continued. "I love French fries. I like a good burger, and I like pies. And that’s OK. I would be depressed if I felt I could never eat the things that I love."
16. Why does Michelle go to the TV show?
17. What has Michelle emphasized in several magazines’ interviews?
18. What can we learn about Michelle when she was younger?
19. What’s Michelle’s attitude towards French fries?

选项 A、She is depressed that she can no longer eat them.
B、She’ll eat them and then exercise.
C、She thinks it is a wise choice to avoid eating them.
D、She’ll eat them as she likes.

答案 D

解析 观点态度题。短文最后提到,Michelle说她尽量不设绝对的禁令,她喜欢法式炸薯条、汉堡和馅饼,说要是让她永远都不能吃喜欢的食物她会很沮丧的。由此可知,Michelle会随心所欲地吃法式炸薯条。