[originaltext]W: Professor Jones, May I interrupt you for a moment?M: Of cours

游客2024-04-28  3

W: Professor Jones, May I interrupt you for a moment?
M: Of course, Alice. Come in and have a seat. I have about a half hour before my faculty meeting. Let me move this chair closer to my desk.
W: Thanks. I’ve come to talk to you about my grade on my last economics project. I want to know why I was given an "F. "
M: Well, Alice, your approach was so similar to that of another student in the class that I seriously doubted that you’d done the calculations yourself.
W: I did work closely with my roommate Betty, but let me explain why. A week before the project was due, I was too sick to do my research. Betty agreed to help me with the project the night before it was due. We stayed up all night in order to finish it on time. The calculations were really my own.
M: Well, you’d been given a month to work on the project. Wouldn’t it have been better to get a head start rather than to wait until the last minute? Each student was supposed to prepare this project individually. I’m afraid that my decision remains the same. However, next week we will be studying the government’s role in running the economy. If you’re willing to make an oral presentation about the subject, I’ll give you extra credit.
W: Thank you, Professor Jones. I’ll have my oral report ready for class on Friday.
22. Where does this conversation most probably take place?
23. Why did the professor give the woman a failing grade on her last economics project?
24.How much time had the student been given to complete the project?
25. What must the woman do to receive extra credit?

选项 A、He believed that her project was not completed by herself.
B、He believed that her project was inferior to that of other students.
C、He thought that her project was incomplete.
D、He thought that she was always late for his class.

答案 A

解析 细节题。对话中女士问男士(Professor Jones)为什么给她上次的经济学课题打了不及格的分数,男士回答说她的思路和班上另一名同学的很相似,因此他十分怀疑这些计算不是她自己完成的,故答案为[A]。