[originaltext]W: Hi, Dick. How’s the camping last week?M: Oh, it was horrible.

游客2024-04-28  3

W: Hi, Dick. How’s the camping last week?
M: Oh, it was horrible. We nearly got killed.
W: What happened?
M: Well, when we were walking on the path along one of the hills a bear suddenly jumped out of a bush and started to chase us.
W: That’s terrible. Did anybody get hurt?
M: Fortunately, we ran away before the bear got closer. We all agreed that we had never run so fast in our entire lives.
W: So why did the bear try to attack you? Was it hungry and looking for food?
M: No, it was more horrible. We later found out that the bear was a mother. And she was separated by us from her child. She jumped out because she feared that her kid would get hurt. After the camping we’ve learned not to get between an adult bear and any young bears.
W: But how could you make sure that you can see the bears, if both the mother and the children are hidden in a bush?
M: Well, it’s actually easy to avoid meeting bears, because they are shy animals and normally avoid human beings. In most of the cases they attack because they are shocked by the unexpected presence of human. What you have to do is to scare them away by making noises before you get too close.
W: I see, so next time when I go camping I’ll sing aloud when I’m walking.
M: That’s a good idea.
4.What attacked the man and his friends during their camping?
5. According to the man, why did the bear attack him and his friends?
6.Why does the man say it is easy to avoid meeting bears?
7. What is the best way to avoid meeting bears?

选项 A、They attacked the bear first.
B、The bear was hungry.
C、The bear was separated by them from her child.
D、The bear just lost her child.

答案 C

解析 细节题。对话中女士问男士为什么那只熊会攻击他们,男士回答说他们后来发现那是一位熊妈妈,他们把她和她的熊宝宝分开了(she was separated by us from her child),它跳出来是因为担心宝宝会受到伤害,[C]是对原文的细节再现,故为答案。本题答案出自问答处及因果关系处。