[originaltext] Madrid might not enjoy the same international reputation as P

游客2024-04-28  3

Madrid might not enjoy the same international reputation as Paris, London, or Rome, But what the city lacks in prestige, it makes up for in atmosphere. Madrid’s wide outdoor squares are crowded with people day and night.
    Madrid is known as Europe’s biggest party scene. The city comes alive when the sun goes down. People young and old lounge in the jazz bars, dance clubs, and late-night cafes. Also, many of Madrid’s restaurants offer outdoor seating. Tourists can enjoy delicious Spanish food while watching the constant parade of people along the streets.
    Residents of Madrid usually start the day with a breakfast of coffee and long sticks of fried bread called churros. At noon, they return home for a family meal, followed by a good rest.[30]Dinner is usually eaten late. Many people don’t sit down for their evening meal until 10 p. m.!
    Those wanting to explore the dynamic city of Madrid should start at the Museo Chicote. This bar appeared in Ernest Hemingway’s 1938 collection Stories of the Spanish Civil War, and has been a trendy spot ever since. Another bar, the Teat-ro Real, features a kind of Spanish opera called Zarzuela. Interestingly, the famous Spanish opera singer Placido Domingo’s parents were zarzuela performers.
    For a glimpse of Madrid’s softer side, spend an afternoon wandering in one of the city’s fifteen major museums. The works by Spanish artists like Miro, Dali, and Picasso are as intriguing as the city itself.
29. What can we learn about Madrid from the passage?
30.Which of the following is true about people in Madrid?
31.What is the Museo Chicote?

选项 A、They don’t have a rest at noon.
B、They usually have dinner very late.
C、They don’t take a seat for their evening meal.
D、They drink coffee with a long stick.

答案 B

解析 细节题。短文中提到,在Madrid,晚饭通常很晚才吃,许多当地人直到晚上10点钟才吃晚饭(until 10 p.m.),故答案为[B]。