Forty years ago no one was concerned about the health of the ocean, in spite

游客2024-04-28  6

问题     Forty years ago no one was concerned about the health of the ocean, in spite of the fact that many fisheries(渔业)were being overharvested, 【C1】______wastes were being dumped in the sea, and developers were beginning to【C2】______coastlines. In those days, people didn’t understand, nor did they care.【C3】______many of our concerns were realized. But the situation could have been much worse, had we, not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the need to protect it.
    During our campaign to protect it, we have used every medium available — personal appearances, the printed word, and television. Now there is a new medium that is even more effective than its【C4】______. Thanks to the Internet and computers, people can not only receive linear stories, but they can actually【C5】______in them, exploring and learning at their own pace.
    For these reasons I have made a major commitment of time and resources to dive into this sea of【C6】______marvels. I’m swimming hard to keep up, but when I look around I find I’m not alone. I was impressed to see how quickly the children grasped the Internet concepts and how they directed their own learning process. It was particularly exciting to see them become delighted as they responded to questions and the computer【C7】______them when they got the correct answers.
    I want young people to experience the mystery and wonder of our oceans. I want them to understand how precious and【C8】______our environment is. Young people need to be taught to take responsibility for ensuring that their【C9】______will be protected and used wisely. Hopefully the next generation will do a better job than mine has. I am counting on the Internet to be the【C10】______through which people can experience, learn, and take action. I am counting on young people with their idealism and energy to create a better future. A)participate I)electronic
B)toxic J)predecessors
C)medium K)upgraded
D)develop L)disrupt
E)heritage M)unfortunately
F)rewarded N)overwhelming
G)lever O)overnight
H)vulnerable [br] 【C4】


答案 J

解析 此处应填一名词。由表比较关系的than可知,此处是将a new medium与本处所填词进行比较,应该指“过去”采用的媒体,因此选J)predecessors,在此处指“先前的媒体”。