[originaltext]W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week.

游客2024-04-27  8

W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week.
M: I called the company this morning. They had some labor problems, so your order will be shipped late. It should be here by the end of the week.
Q: What has caused the delay of the shipment?
W: That looks like a protest rally. I wonder what they are protesting against.
M: That sign says they are against importing luxury goods from Europe. They seemed to be getting so worked up about that.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?

选项 A、European markets.
B、A protest rally.
C、Luxury goods.
D、Imported products.

答案 B

解析 综合理解题。对话中,女士说人们在抗议集会游行,并向男士询问人们抗议的原因。男士回答说标语上写着他们反对从欧洲进口奢侈品,游行人群似乎很激动。由此可见,两人谈论的话题与抗议集会有关。