[originaltext] A recent survey of people out of work analyzed the type of wo

游客2024-04-27  7

A recent survey of people out of work analyzed the type of worker who was unemployed. Out of all of those registered as unemployed, the minority were women. The majority of men who were unemployed were found to be in services and engineering. However, the chance of being unemployed was also likely in the construction industry. There was some unemployment in other industries such as metal goods and textiles. If somebody was unemployed from mining or chemicals, he could usually find another job. However, an unemployed person from agriculture or construction seldom found a job again. Job chances were generally much better for manual workers than for office workers. Most of the unemployed have been without jobs for more than two months. A number had been unemployed for more than a year. Undoubtedly, the longer a person is out of work, the more likely it is that he will not find another job. In addition, job prospects are definitely worse for older workers.
Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.
20. What is the passage about?
21. Who can easily find another job?
22. Who has the worst job prospects?

选项 A、Job chances in cities.
B、A survey of unemployment.
C、Job prospects about women.
D、Unemployment of men in services and engineering.

答案 B

解析 选项综合性强表明,本题可能考查短文主旨。短文首句提到A recent survey of people out ofwork analyzed the type of worker who was unemployed,接下来对此做了具体的介绍,由此可知,答案为B)。