
游客2024-04-26  25

问题     唐代文化是中国文化的一个高峰。尤其是古典诗歌到唐代发展到全盛时期。在唐代300余年的历史中,产生的流传于后世的诗歌就有48900多首。如此丰富的作品也使2300多位诗人在历史上留下了他们的名字。唐诗在创作方法上,现实主义与浪漫主义并举;在形式上有五言、七言绝句和律诗,还有优美整齐的近体诗。唐代最著名的诗人是李白和杜甫,他们都是具有世界声誉的诗人,后人将他们合称为“李杜”。


答案     The Tang Dynasty witnessed a peak in Chinese culture. In particular, the classic poetry had its flowering in the Tang Dynasty. In more than 300 years of history of the Tang Dynasty, some 48900 poems were handed down and remain widely known today. So many works also made more than 2300 poets famous in history. As far as the writing technique is concerned, the Tang poetry combined realism and romanticism. In form, poetry of the Tang Dynasty contained four-line and eight-line verse with five or seven characters in each line. Moreover, "modern style" poetry, which is regular and polished, also appeared in the Tang Dynasty. The best-known poets of the Tang Dynasty were Li Bai and Du Fu, who are very prestigious in the whole world. Therefore, people of later generations have praised both of them as "Li Du" collaboratively.
