[originaltext]W: Oh,I am so angry. My biology professor would not even let me t

游客2024-04-25  7

W: Oh,I am so angry. My biology professor would not even let me try to explain why I missed the field trip. He just gave me a zero.
M: That is not a fare thing. I would feel that way too if I were you.
Q: What does the man imply?
M: I just count my traveler’s checks for the trip to California. I hope 300 dollars will be enough.
W: I guess I’d better do that before Friday. Maybe I can get to the bank tomorrow after physics class.
Q: What do we learn about the woman?

选项 A、She thinks the man should take more money.
B、She has already withdrawn money for the trip.
C、She has to study instead of traveling.
D、She is also planning to travel.

答案 D
