[originaltext]W: The students have been protesting against the increased tuitio

游客2024-04-25  11

W: The students have been protesting against the increased tuition.
M: Yeah, I heard about the protest. But I don’t know how much good it will do.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: I was hoping we could be in the same developmental psychology class.
M: Me, too. But by the time I went for registration, the course was closed.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He would like to major in psychology too.
B、He has failed to register for the course.
C、Developmental psychology is newly offered.
D、There should be more time for registration.

答案 B

解析 对话中女士对男士说她本来希望能和男士一起上发展心理学课,男士说他也是这么想的,但是等他去注册的时候,该课程已经关闭,不再接受注册了。由此可知,男士未能成功注册该课程。