[originaltext]W: The students have been protesting against the increased tuitio

游客2024-04-25  7

W: The students have been protesting against the increased tuition.
M: Yeah, I heard about the protest. But I don’t know how much good it will do.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: Jay will turn 21 this week. Does he know the class is having a surprise party for him?
M: No. He thinks we are giving a party for the retiring dean.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、Jay is organizing a party for the retiring dean.
B、Jay is surprised to learn of the party for him.
C、The dean will come to Jay’s birthday party.
D、The class has kept the party a secret from Jay.

答案 D

解析 女士说Jay这周就要21岁了,他到底知不知道班里正在为他的生日聚会做准备呢,男士说Jay并不知情,他一直以为班里是为了即将退休的主任准备聚会。由此可知,班里人都瞒着Jay,没让他知道聚会的真实目的。