According to a paper to be published in Psychological Science this has an in

游客2024-04-25  5

问题     According to a paper to be published in Psychological Science this has an interesting psychological effect. A group of researchers, led by Eugene Caruso of the University of Chicago, found that people judge the distance of events【C1】______, depending on whether they are in the past or future. The paper calls this the "Temporal Doppler Effect". In physics, the Doppler effect describes the way that waves change frequency depending on whether their【C2】______is travelling towards or away from you. Mr. Caruso argues that something similar happens with people’s perception of time. Because future events are associated with diminishing distance, while those in the past are thought of as【C3】______, something happening in one month feels psychologically【C4】______than something that happened a month ago.
    This idea was tested in a series of experiments. In one, researchers asked 323【C5】______and divided them into two groups. A week before Valentine’s day, members of the first were asked how they planned to celebrate it. A week after February 14th the second group reported how they had celebrated it. Both groups also had to describe how near the day felt on a【C6】______of one to seven. Those describing forthcoming plans were more likely to report it as feeling "a short time from now", while those who had already【C7】______it tended to cluster at the "a long time from now" end of the scale. To account for the risk that recalling actual events requires different cognitive functions than imagining ones that have not yet happened, they also asked participants to【C8】______the distance of hypothetical events a month in the past or future. The asymmetry(不对称)remained.
    Mr. Caruso speculates that his research has【C9】______for psychological well-being. He suspects that people who do not show this bias—those who feel the past as being closer—might be more【C10】______to rumination (沉思)or depression, because they are more likely to dwell on past events.
A)advancing I)prospect
B)apparently J)rate
C)available K)receding
D)closer L)scale
E)differently M)source
F)evaluate N)subject
G)experienced O)volunteers
H)implications [br] 【C8】


答案 J

解析 空格在动词不定式to后,故应填入动词原形。前文提到了研究人员要求志愿者们给未来和已经发生事情的远近感觉评1~7的等级,因此这里的意思应是他们还要求参与者为想象中未来和过去事情的远近感觉评等级,故J)rate"评级"为答案。备选动词中evaluate“评价”意思相近,但不如rate表意准确,故排除。