[originaltext]W: How will you spend your summer vacation?M: At first I thought

游客2024-04-24  2

W: How will you spend your summer vacation?
M: At first I thought I’d go to Canada for vacation, but after a careful thought, I decided to stay at school and find an odd job to earn some money.
Q: What is the man going to do during the vacation?
M: Ordinarily you never seem to be nervous. But why were you so nervous just now when the professor called on you?
W: You know, I didn’t enter my dorm until I found my key at 11 o’clock last night, so I didn’t have enough time to preview my lessons.
Q: What do we know about the woman?

选项 A、She did not prepare her lessons well before class.
B、She is always nervous to meet professors.
C、She left her textbook in her dorm.
D、She did not finish her project.

答案 A

解析 男士说女士一般不会紧张,但为什么刚刚教授叫女士的时候女士那么紧张;女士回答说昨晚她11点才找到宿舍的钥匙回到宿舍,因此她没有时间预习功课。由此可知,女士紧张的原因是她没有好好地预习功课。