[originaltext]M: You see, a marine biologist is now appearing on the screen. W

游客2024-04-24  5

M: You see, a marine biologist is now appearing on the screen.
W: Yeah. We are now being taken on a tour familiarizing with life in the salty depth. It’s an interesting tele teaching lesson.
Q: What are the speakers doing?
M: Of the two ways for us to go to Ohio, which one do you prefer, by train or by air?
W: Though expensive, taking a flight will save us plenty of time on the way.
Q: What can we conclude from the conversation?

选项 A、It is more expensive to take a train to Ohio.
B、Flying to Ohio can’t save the woman much time.
C、The woman has decided to fly to Ohio.
D、The woman can’t make the decision how to go to Ohio.

答案 C

解析 男士说他们可以乘火车或飞机去俄亥俄,并询问女士喜欢哪种方式;女士说乘飞机虽然花费大,但会节省在路途上的时间。由此可知,女士决定乘飞机去俄亥俄。