[originaltext]W: Mike and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and

游客2024-04-20  3

W: Mike and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and Susan would be free to join us.
M: Sounds great. But I’d better talk to Susan before we say yes.
Q: What does the man imply?
W: Diane didn’t get the raise she asked for so she’s given notice at the office.
M: She’s done the right thing. She’ll be able to get a much better position if she goes to another firm.
Q: What can we learn about Diane?

选项 A、She will change her job soon.
B、She will have to accept a reduced salary.
C、The boss notified her that she would be fired.
D、She always does the right thing.

答案 A

解析 对话中女士提到she’s given notice at the office(她已经通知公司自己要辞职了),A)是对此的同义转述,故为答案。give notice意为“预先通知(辞职等)”。