A happy marriage has been shown to lower the risks of stress-related health

游客2024-04-19  7

问题     A happy marriage has been shown to lower the risks of stress-related health conditions, but new research shows marital stress can have the opposite effect, and make some married people more【B1】______depression.
    The findings, by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers and published in the Journal of Psychophysiologic, indicate【B2】______marital stress makes it more difficult for some people to enjoy positive life experiences—a【B3】______of depression. Individuals in bad marriages are also more likely to report other depressive symptoms. Lead researcher Richard Davidson said the findingscould help researchers understand what makessome peoplemore【B4】______mental and emotional health challenges and develop new tools to help them.
    "This is not an obvious【B5】______,if you will, of marital stress, but it’s one I think is【B6】______important because of the cascade (大量涌现的东西) of changes that may be associated," said Davidson. Married people are,【B7】______,happier and healthier than single people, according to numerous studies. But marriage can also be a significant source of long-lasting social stress, the researchers noted. For the study,【B8】______in part by the National Institute on Aging, Davidson and his team surveyed a group of married indi viduals and asked them to【B9】______their stress on a six-point scale. They also【B10】______the participants for depression. Study participants who reported higher marital stress were found to have reduced ability to experience positive experiences than those re porting more satisfaction in their unions. [br] 【B4】


答案 vulnerable to

解析 vulnerable to为固定搭配。意为“易受……的侵害”。