[originaltext]M: How is it going, Mary? You look a little overwhelmed.W: Exact

游客2024-04-19  7

M: How is it going, Mary? You look a little overwhelmed.
W: Exactly. You know, I’ve got a million things to do and all of them have to be finished in the next 30 minutes.( million说明事情很多,30 minutes 说明时间短,也就是说女士要在很短的时间内做许多事。)
Q: What does the woman mean?
W: I don’t know how you can eat so much yet never put on any weight, son. Your father’s got the same luck. I can’t take a bite without calculating how many calories I am taking.(女士说她她如果不计算吃掉多少卡路里就不会吃,可见她很担心发胖。)
M: But remember Aunt Louise, Mom? She ate a lot and never gained a pound.
Q: Who is worried about gaining weight?

选项 A、The son.
B、The father.
C、The mother.
D、Aunt Louise.

答案 C
