[originaltext]W: Can you come to the concert with me this weekend? Or do you ha

游客2024-04-19  9

W: Can you come to the concert with me this weekend? Or do you have to prepare for exams?
M: I still have a lot to do. But maybe a break will do me good.
Q: What will the man probably do?
W: Do you know what’s wrong with Mark? He’s been acting very strange lately.
M: Come on. With his mother hospitalized right after he’s taken on a new job. He’s just gone a lot on his mind.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Mark?

选项 A、He is going to visit his mother in the hospital.
B、He is going to take on a new job next week.
C、He has many things to deal with right now.
D、He behaves in a way nobody understands.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士问男士知不知道Mark怎么了,他这阵子表现得怪怪的,男士回答说Mark刚开始一份新的工作,而这时候他的妈妈住院了,他脑子里的事儿很多。由此可知,Mark近期需要做的事情太多了。