[originaltext]W: Hi, Brian, have you heard of our new dean from Canada?M: Hear

游客2024-04-18  8

W: Hi, Brian, have you heard of our new dean from Canada?
M: Heard of? He was my mentor when I was struggling for my master degree back at the University of Toronto.
Q: What can be learned about the man?
M: Any plans for the coming Labor Day Holiday? Sue and I are getting ready for our bicycle trip. Want to join us?
W: Well, I am really exhausted to finish all the term papers while keeping my part-time job. I hope to sleep as much as I can.
Q: What will the woman do on the Labor Day Holiday?

选项 A、Take a bicycle trip.
B、Finish her term papers.
C、Get a part-time job.
D、Have a good rest.

答案 D
