[originaltext]M:Hello.W:Hello. This is Dr. Gray’s office. We’re calling to rem

游客2024-04-18  3

W:Hello. This is Dr. Gray’s office. We’re calling to remind you of your 4 : 15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.
M:Oh! Thanks. It’s a good thing you called. I thought it was 4 : 15 today.
Q:What does the man mean?
W:Why don’t you wear that yellow shirt that your sister gave you for your birthday?
M:I love that shirt, but it’s missing two buttons.
Q:What does the man mean?

选项 A、He can’t wear the shirt right now.
B、He can’t find the shirt.
C、He doesn’t like the shirt.
D、He thinks the shirt is inappropriate for the occasion.

答案 A

解析 表示转折语气的“but”常常引导着对话的关键内容。M虽然喜爱妹妹送的衬衣,但它掉了两个扣子,没办法穿,因此选A。(选项D的意思是“他认为这件衬衣不适合这个场合”,但是对话里面并没有谈到任何场合问题,故可以排除。)