[originaltext]W: How often do the buses run?M:Every half hour on weekdays, but

游客2024-04-18  9

W: How often do the buses run?
M:Every half hour on weekdays, but I’m not sure about weekends. There’s a schedule on the corner by the bus stop.
Q:What does the man imply?
M:It’s really nice of you to visit me when I’m so miserable with the flu. I’m sure I’d feel much better if I just had some of my mom’s homemade chicken soup.
W:That will be hard to come by, but a cup of hot tea might help.
Q:What will the woman probably do next?

选项 A、Make some tea for the man.
B、Take the man to see a doctor.
C、Ask the man’s mother to come over.
D、Look up a recipe for chicken soup.

答案 A

解析 “come by”意思是“获得,得到”。M想喝他母亲自制的鸡汤,W表示这很难弄到,但喝杯热茶也许会有点帮助。不难推测,接下来,W会给M沏一杯茶,因此选A。